The goal of the 100 Days of Possibility initiative is to highlight solutions that help nature thrive; that help us design and manage better cities; that improve the way we power ourselves; that address how many of us there are on this planet; and that impact the way we product, distribute, and consume food. Help us tell the world there is no benefit in waiting to implement these solutions.
It is most likely you found your way to this page in the context of a conversation with one of our staff members. You are leading by example and chances are that you already discussed your solution(s) with them.
When you submit a solution, we ask that it:
- Already exists out there in the world, possibly looking for larger audiences (no prototypes please).
- Produces deliverable results
- Delivers a significant impact to help #MoveTheDate
- Is scalable (even if it is yet to be scaled) to effect change at a community-wide or state-wide level
Please note that we will not be able to amend solutions after the application has been submitted. Empty fields will not be included and may affect your application success. We reserve the right to edit solution text for style and clarity.
We are excited to have you join the 100 Days of Possibility initiative. We are looking forward to including your solution(s) on the platform.