Reuse and recycle furniture and furnishings

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Image © Kirsty Loh, Langley, United Kingdom



If the life-span of home furniture is doubled, through reuse, resale, and refurbishment, Earth Overshoot Day could be moved by 1 day.

What is the solution?

Refinishing, repairing and re-engineering existing furniture.

How does it #MoveTheDate?

Modern furniture requires both significant resources to produce, in the form of wood and energy, and has a relatively short life-span. Increasing the life-span of furniture reduces the amount of new furniture that needs to be manufactured.

How is it scalable?

Low-cost furniture with short lifespans have become commonplace. This opens the possibility for furniture products that last significantly longer – it may also stimulate local repair jobs and engagement of local artistic talent.

What is the solution?

Refinishing, repairing and re-engineering existing furniture.

How does it #MoveTheDate?

Modern furniture requires both significant resources to produce, in the form of wood and energy, and has a relatively short life-span. Increasing the life-span of furniture reduces the amount of new furniture that needs to be manufactured.

How is it scalable?

Low-cost furniture with short lifespans have become commonplace. This opens the possibility for furniture products that last significantly longer – it may also stimulate local repair jobs and engagement of local artistic talent.

Image © Kirsty Loh, Langley, United Kingdom
Instagram: @langleyupholsteryworkshop

Some pieces of furniture are produced so cheaply that they wear out. But most furniture can be repaired, refinished or repurposed. Whole lines of furniture exist that can be easily reconfigured, and are produced with materials that last. Careful design also makes them timeless.

In the US alone, 12 million tonnes of furniture are discarded every year. There may be many reasons. As styles change, some may be tempted to change their furniture. Another one could be that the cost of reupholstering is so high that many are tempted to rid themselves of old furniture and replace them instead of getting them fixed. But also consider the value of reupholstering, as your piece of furniture becomes unique, and also offers possibilities to support the artistic expression of local talents.

There’s no benefit in waiting!

Acting now puts you at a strategic advantage in a world increasingly defined by ecological overshoot. Countless solutions exist that #MoveTheDate. They’re creative, economically viable, and ready to deploy at scale. With them, we can make ourselves more resilient and #MoveTheDate of Earth Overshoot Day. If we move the date 6 days each year, humanity can be out of overshoot before 2050.